VimpelCom and Huawei Demonstrates the First 5G Holographic Call in Russia

VimpelCom and Huawei demonstrate Holographic Call with the latest fifth generation (5G) mobile connection technologies in Russia. This demonstration was held in the Moscow Museum exhibition hall.

The hall room was used as the zone and two speakers conducted their dialogue using a hologram. The hologram is a digitized image transmitted through Mixed Reality glasses (MR). High-speed bandwidth and low latency are essential for Holographic communication technology which is only possible by 5G networks.

The companies used frequencies between 26,600–27,200 MHz During the demonstration. The Russian authority allocated this frequency to Beeline temporarily.

The gNodeB, a Huawei 5G base station, was used to make the holographic call. Commercially available 5G CPE devices based on the Huawei Balong 5G01 chipset is selected as the subscriber terminal. This terminal includes an RF module (ODU) and 5G/WiFi router.

Beeline and Huawei also showed a practical 5G virtual reality (VR).  An online broadcast from a 360-degree camera used in a VR helmet.

Vasyl Latsanych, CEO of PJSC VimpelCom, urged, “The development of modern technologies helps network operators to provide subscribers with high-quality mobile communications at higher speeds. So, Beeline is trying to prepare its network infrastructure. It also conducts research to make a rational transition to 5G technologies. That is why it is growing increasingly important for Beeline to  explore the potential client capabilities of fifth-generation mobile technologies.”

CEO of Huawei in Russia Aiden Wu said, ” Beeline and Huawei jointly signed into an agreement to promote the development of 5G in Russia in May 2018. Our cooperation has been extremely fruitful, which results in today’s successful demonstration. We will  work together to bring the implementation of a new communication standard, to speed up the process of creating new technologies and services based on this standard.”

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