Jigsaw has Rolled Out  New Application Called Intra to Protect DNS Manipulation

Jigsaw has introduced a new application called ‘Intra’ to the Google Play store. It aims  to protect users from Domain Name System (DNS) manipulation attacks. “Intra will protect you from DNS manipulation, a cyber-attack used to block access to news sites and messaging apps,” Jigsaw said.

DNS is called the phonebook of the Internet .Users access online information  through domain names using DNS. It translates domain names to IP addresses. Therefore, browsers can load Internet resources.

To steal personal information like usernames and passwords these attacks are used frequently. something will insist to install software on devices to browse into fake websites. Intra will help to  protect user from these phishing and malware functions.

Intra is very easier to use. It won’t slow down Internet connection and there’s no limit on data usage. Intra keeps information private. Intra does not track anything from devices. Intra will just  customise DNS server provider.

Jigsaw added,Intra  will not cause any negative impact with  Internet connection to a public Domain Name System (DNS) server. To use it just download and turn it on.

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